Rakvél - Edition 1 - Carbon

Mühle R89 rakvélarnar eru frábærar fyrir þá sem raka sig reglulega. Ekki bara hvað varðar gæði rakstursins heldur einnig kostnaðinn sem fylgir reglulegum rakstri. R89 rakvélin hentar flestum vel þar sem að auðvelt er að ná þéttum rakstri með henni en ekki þarf mikla æfingu til að ná góðri lagni á rakstrinum.

Um efnivið handfangs:

Carbon is an element which occurs naturally in a wide variety of forms. Carbon compounds are even to be found in diamonds. Engineers and active racing experts enthuse about the carbon used in industry.

Aesthetes love above all the fine light reflections created by the dark material. Following a complex development process we use this challenging material for the innovative design of MÜHLE EDITION Carbon. In doing so, we work the conventional, flexible fibrous structures by hand in a special process.

Individual blanks – which later become the handles of brushes and razors – are covered with the weave. Then they are placed in a form where the fibres are evenly aligned and soaked and cured with high-grade resin in several work steps, then finally polished. This produces the gleaming surfaces with their dynamic reflections.

