Afslættir og tilboð
Traditional lína Mühle er gullfalleg og löngu orðin klassísk. Fallegt munstrið í króminu gerir það einnig að verkum að rakvélin og burstinn fara ákaflega vel í hendi.
Þetta sett inniheldur rakvél með lokuðum haus og rakbursta með Silvertip fiber hárum, auk statífs.
Mühle R89 rakvélarnar eru frábærar fyrir þá sem raka sig reglulega. Ekki bara hvað varðar gæði rakstursins heldur einnig kostnaðinn sem fylgir reglulegum rakstri. R89 rakvélin hentar flestum vel þar sem að auðvelt er að ná þéttum rakstri með henni en ekki þarf mikla æfingu til að ná góðri lagni á rakstrinum.
Hárin eru fínustu Silvertip Fiber hár, þróuð af Mühle, og flestir eru sammála um að séu ekki síðri fínustu greifingjahárunum. Hárin eru einstaklega mjúk í endann en með mikinn styrkleika fyrir miðju háranna. Það skilar sér í mjúkri tilfinningu við húð þegar froðan er borin á, án þess að missa niður stífleikann sem gott er að hafa þegar verið er að vinna upp froðuna.
Kostur Silvertip Fiber háranna er ekki síst í því að þau þorna fyrr en greifingjahár og eru því ekki jafn viðkvæm.
3-piece shaving set without bowl, handles made of metal with chrome-plated metal highlights:
Shaving brush with Silvertip Fibre®
Shaving brush size M = medium shaving brush head with 21 mm ring to unscrew
Safety razor – classic blade
Stand made of metal, chrome-plated
The Material - Metal
Without chrome the world would forfeit a lot of its lustre. In the finish used for our wet shaving accessories it demonstrates its best qualities: The material is corrosion-resistant, very long-lasting and has a luxurious, alluring lustre. When contrasted with this, the colours and shapes of other premium materials are shown to their very best advantage.
The Razorhead - Classic razor blade
For generations, the safety razor has been regarded as a stylish classic which can even shave edges with precision. For many, it is the razor par excellence. Its styling is ideally suited to the design of the MÜHLE products.
Even if the open blade does demand a little respect at first: After a brief familiarisation period, and guided by a steady hand, it produces a very close shave and a lasting result. Unlike modern blade systems, the head of the safety razor does not move. The blades are replaced by unscrewing the cap.
The Brushhead - Silvertip Fibre®
The high-quality synthetic fibres represent a world first of our own invention. We offer a synthetically produced premium quality whose material characteristics are analogous to those of the precious natural hair, silvertip badger. The majority of the users even say that this quality actually provides better performance characteristics than the natural hair.
'Silvertip Fibre®' is very soft at its fine tips, but somewhat more stable than natural hair in the middle section. These characteristics produce a pleasant, soft sensation on the skin when the lather is applied, without having to forgo the desired firmness of the hairs in the lathering process. In daily use, the manually processed fibres are less sensitive than natural hair as they dry more quickly and are resistant to shaving soaps and creams.
The completely vegan fibres are also somewhat easier to use than natural hair as they produce a particularly creamy and thick lather from a small amount of shaving soap or cream, which is used much more sparingly as a result.
The semi-circular shape of the brush head is created by hand when binding the brush. The fine tips therefore do not require trimming and the natural softness of the hair is retained.
The safety razor with replaceable blades once revolutionised wet shaving and is today one of the most classic shaving accessories. At MÜHLE it is more than that: a minor marvel of precision, ergonomics and beauty, created for ambitious wet shavers.
Anyone who masters the ritual after some practice will never want to shave without a safety razor! Suitable interchangeable blades, standardised for decades, are available from specialist retailers all over the world.
Our models come in high-quality chrome-plating with fine chasing or combined with stylish high-grade resin in the popular classic colours black and white. A particularly exclusive option is the handle coated with rose gold.
Matching brushes in the qualities silvertip badger and Silvertip Fibre® as well as three elegant holder models make the set complete. And finally, perhaps the best thing of all? Due to their practical sizes, safety razors and brushes naturally also serve as ideal travel companions.